Support our work
It takes more than just good staff and volunteers to keep an NGO running, funding is needed to keep our programs running at full capacity. Volunteer fees help cover some of our expenses, but we depend on donations from people like you to keep bringing international volunteers to work in Pondicherry year after year. Please consider making a donation to support our sister organisation and financial partner, Prime Trust. The donation platforms are available below, no amount is too small.
Please note that India Volunteer Care does not entertain/accept funds from fraudulent transactions. Our online fundraising platforms make strict verification and will reverse the funds if it found to be fraudulent. Please do not make fraudulent donations, as we may lose our ability to use online fundraising, which would cause us financial difficulty as most of our projects get support through online fund raising platforms.
Feel free to use this currency converter to see exchange rate from your home currency to Indian rupees.
If you would like to discuss making a large donation, or wish to have more information, please contact our Executive Director at [email protected]